Nominal Cooling Cap. from 502 to 1736kW

Nominal Heating Cap. from 573 to 1964kW

The Carrier 30XW–/30XW-P/30XWH-/30XWHP Water Cooled Chillers are the premium solution for industrial and commercial applications where installers, consultants and building owners require optimal performances and maximum quality.

The Carrier 30XWH-P the High-efficiency variant that offers unequalled energy efficiency to satisfy the most stringent demands of building owners wanting to reduce operating costs to the minimum.

The Carrier 30XWH-P uses the most reliable technologies available today:

  • Twin-rotor screw compressors with a variable capacity valve
  • Refrigerant R134a
  • Flooded heat exchangers that are mechanically cleanable
  • Carrier SmartVuTM control with color touch screen user interface that includes 10 langages

As standard, the unit can provide an evaporator leaving temperature down to 3,3°C (-12°C optional), and when operating as a heat pump, it can deliver up to 50°C (63°C optional) on the condenser side.

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