Carrier’s Energy-Efficient Chiller Design

Carrier’s Energy-Efficient Chiller Design

It’s no secret that Carrier has led the charge to lessen the environmental impact of chillers and air conditioning systems so critical for today’s industrial and business structures. Next generation refrigerants mean Carrier has their eye on the future, which is heading towards megacities, high-rise buildings and huge industrial districts to the end of matching energy needs with available power-grid capacities. Energy efficiency defines the research and technology behind Carrier’s chiller systems.

Iron Mountain Project

Perhaps in no other case was Carrier’s promise to deliver energy-saving chillers put under more stringent test than in the Iron Mountain project.  Pennsylvania’s Iron Mountain stores and protects billions of valued assets, including critical business information, highly sensitive data, and cultural and historical artefacts for clients from the Fortune 1000 companies to the U.S. government itself. The very best of chillers on the market was not a question and Carrier’s rose proudly to the occasion. After that, no one can doubt Carrier’s ability to meet any challenging chiller installation – energy efficiency innovation guaranteed.

More than 67 meters underground, and with the secrets of the world tucked away in their secure servers, Iron Mountain’s chiller solution would be a critical one. Fluctuating heat and humidity levels made the cooling and ventilation needs exacting, to say the least. The Carrier Evergreen® 23XRV chiller with Foxfire™ offers a simple yet pioneering tri-rotor compressor design. This reduces the number of moving parts, uses less lubrication oil and eliminates the slide valve. Further advanced design decisions have prompted Carrier to use a non-ozone depleting refrigerant which is both safe and environmentally friendly. Its energy efficiency is ably demonstrated by this innovative water-cooled variable-speed screw chiller, which has been designed to combine energy saving, reliability, and super-high efficiency levels.

Sisters Of Mercy Project

To serve the entire campus with residential, administrative, religious, and educational facilities for between 400 – 500 people spread over 220 000 square feet of space, the Carrier team, once again, had their work cut out.   In keeping with their “green” mandate and their desire for sound environmental stewardship, Carrier developed the solution for the Sisters of Mercy Headquarters in Belmont, North Carolina.  This project is another that bears testimony to Carrier’s ability to factor in particular considerations, energy efficiency always ranking high on the priority list.

The i-Vu® Open Control System was chosen to work with a web-based interface, managing two high-efficiency Carrier 23XRV Evergreen® chillers and multiple variable frequency drives. In addition to this load was the requirement to include the management of other HVAC equipment from various manufacturers including two cooling towers, five boilers, multiple chilled water pumps and hot water pumps, rooftop units, fan coil units, air handlers, and a generator. No small feat and an unsung hero on the energy efficiency front.

One of the key features of the i-Vu® Open Control System used for the project is the ease of access and clean management dashboard. The intuitive interface makes managing the whole campus or a single room as easy as pressing a button. Advanced reporting options allow users to check energy efficiency and adjust from anywhere in the world – as long as there’s an internet connection.

Carrier, with a watchful eye on environmental realities, have chillers covering functionality, sustainability, productivity and whatever performance-related criteria needed for each project. Case in point was the iconic PwC Tower in SA’s Waterfall City, Midrand. Not a small part of what gives the project its ‘green’ light was Carrier’s phenomenal high-efficiency, water-cooled screw chillers plus three multi-functional air-cooled chillers and a heat pump. Described as ‘unique capability’, Carrier’s PwC Tower solutions perfectly and precisely match both building load and energy efficiency without compromising the environment.

Chillers And Energy Efficiency, Now And Then

For now, Carrier has proven the degree of responsibility they take when it comes to chillers for exacting and challenging conditions. Energy efficiency is a permanent consideration and remains critical to all of Carrier’s solutions.

The future is set to include bigger cities, bigger structures and bigger industrial districts. So, for then, we need not fear as long as Carrier is near. Lessening our environmental footprint involves visible and invisible factors. Carrier chillers deliver capacities, efficiencies and options designed for two major considerations: Cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency.

If our vision matches yours, then we look forward to assisting you on your next project. Contact AHI Carrier today.


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