AHI Carrier Welcomes Jackeé Prins as New Sales Key Accounts for Toshiba in Gauteng

We are excited to announce a valuable addition to our AHI Carrier Team. It is with great pleasure that we welcome Jackeé Prins who has joined us as our new Sales Key Accounts for Toshiba in the Gauteng region effective from the 1st March 2024.

Jackeé brings a wealth of experience in Sales +- 25 years, having worked at large corporates previously. Her commitment to delivering high – quality sales and marketing aligns perfectly with our company values, and we are confident that she will contribute significantly to the continued success of the company. Jackeé’s passion is planning events and collaborating with different teams.

Jackeé understands the importance of Customer relations and her unique people skills and sales driven attitude line up with our Company’s objective.

We are excited to have Jackeé onboard, You can reach her on jacqueline.prins@ahi-carrier.co.za


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