A basic guide to HVAC


What is an HVAC system? This is a common acronym in the air conditioning industry, but many people don’t know what it means, or how it works. Let’s start with what HVAC stands for: H​eating, V​entilation, A​ir C​onditioning. These are the three basic elements involved in climate and comfort control in a building or in a car. All three elements are generally combined in an integrated system that insures that environments remain comfortable for people to live and work in.

Heating and airconditioning are two sides of the same coin, in that they rely on the same system to achieve different ends. It’s all about heat transfer, the only difference comes in whether you are transferring heat from inside a space to the outside, i.e. cooling the space, or whether you are transferring heat into a space, i.e. heating.

Ventilation is the process of exchanging air within a space, in order to provide fresh, clean air at all times. Ventilation can happen naturally, as is found in certain building designs, or it can happen mechanically, a method which is far more energy intensive, but more common.

Companies offer a range of different solutions for people looking into HVAC depending on people’s individual needs.

Let’s take a look at what a few of these are:

  • Split System
    This is your most common type of HVAC system. All it is is a system with some of the components located outside the area which is to be cooled or heated, and others inside. All those airconditioning units you see on the outside of buildings: those form part of a split system HVAC. These types of systems generally consist of a furnace, evaporator coil(the indoor component of your outdoor cooling unit) air conditioner or heat pump and a control or thermostat; your interface for controlling your system.
  • Ductless Split System ​
    This system, as the name suggests, doesn’t rely on ducts to transport air around a space. Instead, separate systems are set up in areas that aren’t able to be ducted.
  • Packaged System​
    Packaged units are designed to fit spaces which may not be big enough to house an evaporator coil or a heating furnace. This is essentially an all-in-one system, which can do a number of things depending on your needs. All that’s required is a thermostat for control, and a duct system to transport air.
  • Geothermal Heat Pump System
    This is a great technology which exploits the natural heat of the earth to heat your home in the winter, and doesn’t fall prey to temperature swings which may occur outside in the air. These draw heat from either your pond, your yard, or well water to provide a more consistent heating solution.

For these and other HVAC solutions visit www.ahi-carriersa.co.za


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